
Monday, September 19, 2011

Birding 9-18- 2011 : Willow Creek: Pahrump: (Nye County)

Birding started early with three Red-shouldered Hawk's by the clubhouse. The Yellow-breasted Chat was seen at the end of my birding day. He was in the Willow bushes, down low next to the water. It was a male. He did not stay long enough to get a picture. He disappeared back into the brush. I spent 30 minutes looking for him but could not find him again. This sighting was  seen at the second pond from Richard and Carol Cantino's home. Last week Carol, told me she had seen a bright yellow bird in the trees, but could not find it.

I was very happy to see two Prairie Falcon's. I did get pictures of one of them. It has been a year since I have seen them at Willow Creek.

Other birds seen: Crissal Thrasher, American Kestrel, Red-tailed Hawk, Say's Phoebe, Black Phoebe, Snowy Egret's (3) Cinnamon Teal's Orange-crowned Warbler, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, White-crowned Sparrow, Song Sparrow and a American Goldfinch.

Submitted by
Darlene Feener
Pahrump, Nevada